A British woman whose travel insurance didn’t cover her is effectively ‘trapped’ in the US after falling ill abroad.
Denise Griggi, 63, was rushed to hospital shortly after landing in the US due to early stage congestive heart failure.
Her condition has been stabilised and she is recovering alongside her family, but her care has cost £167,000 - which is not covered by her travel insurance policy. Ms Griggi’s family have also been told that a flight home will cost in excess of £150,000, which they cannot afford.
The family are currently trying to raise funds to get Denise home, and have set up a GoFundMe page to help their cause.
“It’s important to always declare all your medical conditions and any illnesses, even if you’re confident they’re well-managed and you won’t fall ill,” says Alison Wild, Head of Marketing at Columbus Direct. “When you’re getting your quote, it’s vital you tell your insurer everything they need to know in order to provide you with the appropriate cover.”
“Keep a list of everything you have been treated for, and don’t forget to include medicines and dates of treatment. Honesty is key - should you fall ill abroad and need treatment, a claim could be rejected if a check of the facts reveals details of certain conditions have been withheld.
“Can you travel without the correct insurance? You can - but we certainly wouldn’t advise it, as if anything should go wrong, you could run up huge bills for medical care.”
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