Even though we love seeing cabin crew take us through in-flight safety instructions (the part with the red toggles on the lifejacket is a particular favourite), we have a lot of time for in-flight safety videos. Especially when they're done well.
Airlines have recently become wise to the fact that most people will continue reading or gawking out of the window unless the safety video is funny or interesting, so we've found our favourites, and listed them here.
Delta: Back to the 1980s
This safety briefing features everything that was good, bad and downright ugly about the 1980s. Girls with big hair making sure their barnets aren't blocking the aisle, bodypopping passengers, Teddy Ruxpin, Alf and a man in business class who's foxed by a Rubik's Cube. Don't miss the confused faces when the passengers are told there's WiFi available. What the devil is that?
Virgin: The trip
Created in March 2014 and following the adventures of a passenger who decides to doze through the safety briefing (naughty!), this hallucinogenic adventure ranges from car chases to Film Noir, an adventure in space to a giant crab that seems to have a fondness for cocktails. Don't miss the James Bond-themed segment - and if there are any Beatles fans out there, you're in for a treat...
Air New Zealand: The most epic safety video ever made
This video is sure to delight anyone who's a fan of all things Middle Earth-related. They've even managed to grab a few famous faces; Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson both make an appearance. There's a bizarre battle scene at the end that somehow ties in with exiting the aircraft safely, which is where everything starts to unravel slighly, but until that point, it's very good. It's pleasing to see that Elijah Wood continues to be fine with the whole 'Oh look, a little person!' gag.
Volaris: The most laughable safety video, ever
In 2010, Volaris, a low-cost Mexican airline, decided it would be a good idea to get local celebrity Claudia Lizaldi involved in its safety briefing. And, oh, what a performance she gives. The way that the safety precautions are quite literally shoehorned into the 'narrative' makes for uncomfortable viewing; we had to stop and take a breather when Claudia 'runs out of air' due to a good-looking man sitting next to her. Yes, you've guessed it - that's when the oxygen masks made an appearance. Essential viewing.
Virgin America: Safety Dance
Top marks to Virgin America - they've managed to make a safety video that gets all of the important points across, coupled with a Glee-worthy soundtrack. We feel a bit sorry for people who have never used a seatbelt before, though - they're about to get thoroughly mocked. Things get interesting when the life jacket segment is shown. Was this ever released as a single? It should have been...
Image credit: YouTube/Virgin America
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