More good news from our South African team - they've been gadding about winning even more football matches. We don't know where they find the energy.
The Columbus Direct team (yes, they're yet to find a snazzier name) played the Kazakhi Warriors last night, and what a tough match it was (just out of interest, they weren't wearing any swords or shields throughout the match).
Our lads won the game 5-4, despite being down 4-2 down by half time.
"What I have learned about playing with my Columbus Direct team mates over the past two months is that we never give up, no matter what the circumstances are," said team captain Imtiyaaz Fick. "The most valuable player of the night has to go to Uriah Khatib, as he scored four goals, and he was a brilliant replacement for Tadiwa and Stephen who were our goal machines."
Here are the match awards:
Most Valuable Player : Uriah scored four goals on the night. Well played!
Most Assists: Anver (2) and Imtiyaaz (2)
Supreme Tackler: Joshua
Power Shooter: Rudi
Mr Planet Fitness: Kevin
Goal scorers: Uriah (4) and Anver (1)
Most Composed Player: Kurt
Most Improved Player: Zubair
Back left to right: Uriah, Kevin, Imtiyaaz©, Rudi and Joshua
Front left to right: Anver, Kurt and Zubair
The team took on some honey badgers a while ago and won 5-2. We're not kidding.
We also smashed the Cape Town Tigers - read the match report here.