Last Friday was World Mental Health Awareness Day - and even though travelling is supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation, sometimes, that isn't the case.
Life doesn't stop when you're abroad - bereavements, relationship breakdowns and money worries can contribute to stresses and strains, and dealing with mental health issues in unfamiliar surroundings can be difficult.
To ensure Brits with mental health needs have a safe trip abroad, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued a guidance leaflet and a checklist that can help travellers get help when abroad.
Put simply, make sure that you do your research before you travel, and don't forget this checklist:
Does your travel insurance cover your mental health condition?
If you’re travelling in Europe, do you have an EHIC (European Health Card)?
If you take medication, do you have enough for your trip?
Is your medication legal and available in your destination?
What mental health services are available in the country you’re travelling to?
Who would help you if your mental health deteriorated abroad? And how would you contact them?
For more information about keeping your mental health in check when you're abroad, click here.