About the service
What does this service offer?
How does it work?
Does this service cost me anything?
Can more than one person receive the complimentary airport lounge access?
How is a delay calculated?
Registering your flight
Which flights can I register?
When can I register my flight?
I’m trying to register, but it keeps failing...
What personal information will be captured and stored during registration?
If I register myself and a travel companion, can they use a lounge without me?
Why can’t I find my flight?
Is there an alternative way to register besides the website?
Can I change my registration details after registration is complete?
Who is eligible to use this service?
Cancelling registrations
Airport experience & lounge vouchers
The airport has announced a 1hr+ delay but I have not received my lounge voucher...
Under what delay circumstances are lounge vouchers not provided?
When am I eligible for the lounge voucher?
How will I receive my lounge voucher?
How do I find the lounge at the airport?
How do I gain access to the lounge at the airport?
How can I find out about lounge policies and services?
Why was I denied entry to a lounge?
What happens if my lounge voucher doesn’t work or is invalid?
Why would I not receive an airport lounge voucher, even when I’m entitled to?
Are children allowed in the lounge?
Can my lounge voucher be re-sent if I accidentally delete the email/attachment?
Can more than one person enter a lounge on the same lounge voucher?
How do my travel companions get their vouchers?
Do I need to register for a child?
If a flight is cancelled or rescheduled for the next day, can I still use the benefit?
Receiving your lounge voucher
What should I do if I don’t receive my confirmation email?
What do I need to access my lounge vouchers?
How am I notified about receiving the lounge vouchers?
Can I change my email address after registration has been submitted?
Limitations & feedback
Why can’t I register a flight?
Why can’t I register a flight?
I am entitled to a lounge voucher, but I haven't received it. Can I still be issued one?
Why was I denied entry to a lounge?
Why didn't I receive my lounge voucher when my flight was cancelled?
How do I provide feedback or complaints?